This document describes how to encrypt some of the connections for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 using Transport Layer Security (TLS).
Note: For the setup and configuration required for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1367293.1, Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.
The most current version of this document can be obtained in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 376700.1.
The previous version of this document can be found in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2143099.1, Enabling SSL or TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.
In This Document
This document is divided into the following sections:
- Section 1: Introduction
- Section 2: How to Use This Document
- Section 3: Terminology and Concepts
- Section 4: Oracle E-Business Suite Connections
- Section 5: Configuring TLS 1.2 with Backward Compatibility and OpenSSL
- Section 6: Optional Configurations
- Section 7: Configuring Optional Integrations
- Section 8: Renew Revoked or Expired Certificates
- Section 9: Alternate TLS Termination Point
- Appendix A: Disabling TLS
- Appendix B: HP PA-RISC
- Appendix C: Known Issues
- Appendix D: References
There is a change log at the end of this document.
Section 1: Introduction
Encrypting all connections for an application running over a network is done to provide communication security.
This document describes how to encrypt all connections for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 using Transport Layer Security (TLS). TLS is the successor to SSL and is a protocol that ensures privacy between communicating applications.
Section 2: How to Use This Document
Note: Before beginning, it's important to understand what you're trying to accomplish and your current configuration. This will help determine the relevant instructions in this document.
Begin by reading Section 3: Terminology and Concepts and Section 4: Oracle E-Business Suite Connections to understand the terminology and concepts used in this document.
Section 5: Configuring TLS 1.2 with Backward Compatibility and OpenSSL has been broken up into requirements that are needed for inbound, loopback, and outbound connections. Some of the outbound connection requirements in 5.3 Configure Loopback and Outbound Connections may depend on the specific configuration of the server that Oracle E-Business Suite is communicating with.
Section 6: Optional Configurations covers some optional configurations that can be used to further restrict the protocols that Oracle E-Business Suite uses. These include areas such as turning off all protocols except TLS 1.2 or ensuring that Oracle E-Business Suite has no HTTP ports open.
Section 7: Configuring Optional Integrations covers the specific configurations that will be required to encrypt communications between Oracle E-Business Suite and some of the optional integrations.
Section 8: Renew Revoked or Expired Certificates covers the case where you have an existing SSL/TLS instance and only need to renew your certificate. The certificate request remains unchanged, and depending on the Certifying Authority that issued the certificate, will only require the original certificate request to renew the certificate.This section outlines the steps for this process.
Section 9: Alternate TLS Termination Point covers the configuration of Oracle E-Business Suite with an alternate TLS termination point, such as a reverse proxy or load balancer. This section also covers the configuration of end-to-end TLS, where both Oracle E-Business Suite has been configured for TLS, in addition to making use of an alternate TLS termination point.
Section 3: Terminology and Concepts
- Transport Layer Security (TLS)
Transport Layer Security, or TLS, is the successor of SSL. TLS, like SSL, is a protocol that encrypts traffic between a client and a server. TLS creates an encrypted connection between two machines allowing for private information to be transmitted without the problems of eavesdropping, data tampering, or message forgery. There is no distinction between TLS certificates and SSL certificates issued by certifying authorities.
- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
SSL is a technology that defines the essential functions of mutual authentication, data encryption, and data integrity for secure transactions. Exchange of data between the client and server in such secure transactions is said to use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). This has been deprecated in favor of the preferred TLS reference going forward.
HTTP is the primary communication protocol for the World Wide Web. HTTPS is HTTP working on top of TLS.
- Public Key Infrastructure
The term Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is used to describe the processes, technologies and practices that are required to provide a secure infrastructure. A PKI should provide the following - Authentication, Non repudiation, Confidentiality, Integrity, Access Control.
- Certificate Authority (CA)
A Certificate Authority is a trusted third party responsible for issuing, revoking, and renewing digital certificates. All digital certificates are signed with the Certificate Authority's private key to ensure authenticity. The Certificate Authority's Public Key is widely distributed.
- Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
A Certificate Signing Request (CSR) is a digital file which contains your public key and your name. You send the CSR to a Certifying Authority (CA) to be converted into a real certificate.
- Digital Certificate (Public Key)
A digital certificate is an electronic document that binds an identity to a pair of electronic keys that can be used to encrypt and sign digital information. Certificates are issued by a trusted third party, called a Certification Authority (CA). The document is usually in a standard X509 format and contains three elements:- Entity attributes (information about your organization)
- Public key (which is bound to the private key)
- Digital signature by the trusted CA's private key
- Types of Digital Certificates
To reduce the number of certificates required for an environment, the following options are available:- Subject Alternative Name (SAN) Certificate
The use of the Subject Alternative Name field allows you to specify multiple host names to be protected by a single public key certificate. Use of SAN will also allow for using a single certificate for multiple domains. - Wild Card Certificate
A public key certificate which can be used with multiple subdomains of a domain.
- Subject Alternative Name (SAN) Certificate
- Private (Server) Key
The private key file is a digital file that you generate as part of a key pair (private key and public key) and use to encrypt/decrypt messages. The certificate request (CSR) that you send to your Certificate Authority (CA) is derived from this private key. Therefore, the resulting digital certificate (containing your public key) which is issued by your CA is bound to this private key. - In-house and/or Self-signed Certificates
These type of certificates are not publicly available and are used either for internal security reasons, testing purposes, or cost savings. The up side is that customers have full control over these type of certificates, but the down side is that they require additional steps that are not needed in the case of general production certificates. Certificates of this type are still comprised of a root certificate, an intermediate certificate, and the primary server certificate. Server and client side truststores would need to be updated with the full certificate chain in this case. If any component of the certificate chain is not found, errors may be encountered. Be sure you understand the limitations of these certificates when using them in any environment. - TLS Termination Point
A TLS termination point is the end-point server for the encrypted connection that has been initiated by a client (for example, a browser).
In the case of Oracle E-Business Suite the Oracle HTTP Server can act as a TLS termination point. An alternate TLS termination point, such as a reverse proxy or load balancer, can be configured in front of the Oracle HTTP Server.
Section 4: Oracle E-Business Suite Connections
4.1 Types of Connections
Oracle E-Business Suite connections fall into the following three categories:
- Inbound connections
- Loopback connections
- Outbound connections
Each type of connection is described in further detail below. We recommend that you configure TLS encryption for all connections in an Oracle E-Business Suite environment.
Inbound Connections |
Inbound connections are from a client to the Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) delivered with the Oracle E-Business Suite applications technology stack. With inbound connections, the SHA-2 signed PKI certificate is requested from a CA by your company for your Oracle E-Business Suite OHS. Examples include, but are not limited to the following:
Loopback Connections |
Loopback connections are from Oracle E-Business Suite back to the Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) delivered with the Oracle E-Business Suite applications technology stack. For loopback connections, the SHA-2 signed PKI certificate is requested from a CA by your company for your Oracle E-Business Suite OHS. Examples include, but are not limited to the following:
Outbound Connections |
Outbound connections are from Oracle E-Business Suite to external site(s). For outbound connections, the SHA (can be SHA-1 or SHA-2) signed PKI certificate is requested from a CA by a site you are connecting to from Oracle E-Business Suite. For this case, Oracle E-Business Suite is acting as an HTTPS client. You must trust the root CA of the remote server's certificate chain in your truststore. Examples include, but are not limited to the following:
4.2 TLS Versions Certified with Oracle E-Business Suite Connections
Oracle E-Business Suite inbound, outbound, and loopback connections are currently certified with TLS 1.2, 1.1, and 1.0. The default Oracle E-Business Suite configuration provided in Section 5: Configuring TLS 1.2 with Backward Compatibility and OpenSSL allows for the handshake between the client and server to negotiate and use the highest version of TLS (either 1.2, 1.1, or 1.0) supported by both parties. This configuration is referred to as "TLS 1.2 with backward compatibility."
Example 1: If the outbound connection used by iProcurement is by default configured for TLS 1.2, 1.1 and 1.0 and if a call is made from Oracle E-Business Suite iProcurement to an external site that supports TLS 1.2 and a common cipher suite is found, then TLS 1.2 will be used. If a call is made from Oracle E-Business Suite iProcurement to an external site that supports TLS 1.1 and a common cipher suite is found, then the handshake negotiation will resolve to use TLS 1.1 for the connection.
Example 2: If the Oracle E-Business Suite Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) for inbound connections is by default configured for TLS 1.2, 1.1 and 1.0. If a client using a browser that supports TLS 1.2 attempts to connect to the OHS, then TLS 1.2 will be used. If a client using a browser that supports only up to TLS 1.1 attempts to connect to the OHS, then the handshake negotiation between the server and client will dictate the use of TLS 1.1 for the connection.
You may optionally configure Oracle E-Business Suite to use only the highest level of TLS certified with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1. See 6.1 Configuring TLS 1.2 Only for more details.
The default requirements and configuration provided in Section 5: Configuring TLS 1.2 with Backward Compatibility and OpenSSL provides the ability to use SHA-2 signed PKI certificates and also addresses recent security vulnerabilities including:
- Weak Cipher Suites/FREAK
Additional SSL/TLS Requirements for Java Web Start (JWS) Users
SSL/TLS users running Java Web Start (JWS) require a chain of trust to the Java certificate store for their server certificate on the desktop. This is in addition to the usual chain of trust to the browser.
If using a recognized certificate authority (CA) there should be no further requirements as the server certificate will already be included be in the Java 'System' store by default.
If using your own in-house CA you must import the server root (and if applicable the intermediate) certificate into the Java 'Secure Site CA' certificate store through the Java Control Panel:
Java Control Panel -> Security (tab) -> Manage Certificates (button) -> Certificate Type: Secure Site CA -> Import (button)
Without this chain of trust you will see a pop-up 'Security Warning' window stating "The connection to this website is untrusted" when trying to run Java content within EBS.
Section 5: Configuring TLS 1.2 with Backward Compatibility and OpenSSL
This section details the steps necessary to enable TLS 1.2 with backward compatibility and OpenSSL. As part of this process, you will also migrate to new OpenSSL libraries which will change the method by which you generate and import your SHA signed PKI certificate. The configuration and patches in this section also address recent vulnerabilities including weak cipher suites, FREAK, POODLE, and DROWN.
5.1 Apply Required Updates and Patches5.2 Configure Inbound Connections
5.3 Configure Loopback and Outbound Connections
5.3 Configure Loopback and Outbound Connections
Note: If you have previously enabled SSL or TLS and are migrating to TLS 1.2, you will not be able to easily re-use your current certificate and private key even if they are still valid. You must follow all steps in this section and request that your certificate authority rekey or reissue your certificate. This is applicable for any certificates not already SHA-2 compliant.
5.1 Apply Required Updates and Patches
Follow the steps below to apply the necessary updates and patches.
Step 1 - Upgrade to latest Java Development Kit (JDK) 7.
Note: AIX customers need to upgrade their Application tier JDK to a minimum of JDK 1.7 SR10 FP1.
For JDK 7 upgrade, follow the instructions in My Oracle Support Document 1467892.1, Using JDK 7.0 Latest Update with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.0 and 12.1.
Starting with the January 2017 Java CPU, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 are enabled by default. The specific minimum version is JDK 1.7.0_131.
Step 2 - Upgrade to Oracle HTTP Server (OHS)
To do this, follow the instructions in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 454811.1, Upgrading to the Latest OracleAS 10g 10.1.3.x Patch Set in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.
Step 3 - Apply the October 2015 CPU or a later CPU to Oracle Fusion Middleware
Download Patch 21845960 for UNIX or Patch 21845962 for Windows from My Oracle Support and follow the instructions in Document 2051000.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Releases 11i and 12 Critical Patch Update Knowledge Document (October 2015).
Note: Oracle always recommends that you apply the latest CPU to all components of Oracle E-Business Suite. Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2484000.1, Identifying the Latest Critical Patch Update for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.
Step 4 - Apply platform-specific updates.
For AIX and HP Itanium only, also apply Patch 21948197 to Oracle Fusion Middleware
For Windows only, also apply Patch 22251660 to Oracle Fusion Middleware
Step 5 - Apply the Oracle Fusion Middleware OpenSSL patches.
In addition to applying the CPU patches listed in Step 3 above, you must also apply one of these combinations of OHS and OPMN patches which contain the required updates for the OpenSSL libraries.
Note: Oracle recommends that you apply the latest released patches in the list, which is represented here in the top row.
Please note the following:
* If you are on Linux, the OHS patches are only supported on Oracle Linux 5 or higher.
* If you are on AIX, Patch 29292327 and later are only supported on AIX 6.1 or higher.
* If patch is not available for your platform, contact Oracle Support to request the patch.
Delivery Date OHS Patch OPMN PatchApr 2019 Patch 29292327 Patch 27208670 Jan 2018 Patch 27078378 Patch 27208670 July 2017 Patch 25859264 Patch 24484104 Oct 2016 Patch 24483815 Patch 24484104 July 2016 Patch 22447165 Patch 22458773
Step 6 - Apply product-specific patches.
- Oracle TXK - Apply Patch 23645824:R12.TXK.B to address issues after enabling TLS for OHS to OC4J connections.
- Oracle Workflow - Apply patch 22974534:R12.OWF.B to address an Oracle Workflow Notification Mailer issue.
- Oracle Workflow - Upgrade Java Mail API to 1.5.4 using patch 22322938 and OWF patch 27881758:R12.OWF.B to address Oracle Workflow Mailer issue with Outlook Office365 connection and TLS 1.2.
If a conflict is reported with patch 8999551 allow opatch to roll it back when applying patch 22322938. - Oracle iProcurement - Apply the patches mentioned in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1937220.1, Punchout in Oracle iProcurement and Exchange Fails After Supplier Site Migrates From SSLv3 to TLS Protocol (with SSL Handshake SSLIOClosedOverrideGoodbyeKiss), which correspond to the appropriate applications version.
- Oracle iPayment - Ensure to meet the requirements listed in Document 1573912.1, All About Oracle Payments Release 12 Wallets and Payments Data Encryption, for Payments configuration, as well as Document 2159740.1, Oracle Payment Support For TLS1.2.
- Oracle XML Gateway - For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 patching requirements, refer to Document 1961140.1, Configuring Oracle XML Gateway for SSL/TLS Authentication in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1. In addition, apply patch 22922530:R12.ECX.B.
5.1.1 Prerequisites for Implementing TLS for ECC Certification
Customers on database version are required to apply Oct 2018 PSU or later to support ECC certificates. Customers on 12c database can skip this step.
5.2 Configure Inbound Connections
The steps below are for the minimum requirements for inbound connections to the Oracle E-Business Suite Application Tier Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) to enable TLS and for the use of SHA-2 signed PKI certificates.
5.2.1 Configure your environment
To configure your environment, you must perform the steps listed in this section.
Step 1 - Create a PKI key pair and certificate signing request.
Create a new directory if it does not already exist (for example,$INST_TOP/certs/Apache
) and create a host-specific OpenSSL configuration file in that directory as the following:
==================% cat new.cnf
prompt = no
default_md = sha256
distinguished_name = dn
req_extensions = ext
CN =
O = Example Inc
OU = Key Team
L = San Diego
ST = California
C = US
subjectAltName =,
Here is the explanation on what values to enter when creating the configuration file:
prompt = no do not prompt default_md = sha256 the default message digest should be sha256 based distinguished_name = dn get the Distinguished Name from the [dn] section req_extensions = ext get the extensions from the [ext] section
CN = set Common Name to your full hostname O = Example Inc set the Organization to your company name OU = Key Team set Organizational Unit to any team or division within your company L = San Diego set Location to the city of your company's headquarters ST = California set State to the state or province or territory of your company's headquarters C = US set Country to the ISO country code of the county
Note that the values for the elements in your certificate signing request's Distinguished Name may be dictated by your local policies or the policies of the commercial Certificate Authority you will use to sign your certificate.
subjectAltName =, specify alternate hostnames If the hostname of your site is hostname.domain also add the domain without the hostname. here. Otherwise just repeat the Common Name.
Check local and CA policies to determine acceptable values before generating the CSR.
If you use wildcard certificate to protect multiple servers, specify the server name as an asterisk (*) plus the domain in Common Name. For example: * .
If you use SAN (Subject Alternative Name) certificate to protect multiple servers, specify/add the SAN information in the order form when submitting the CSR to CA and then the issued certificate will contain the SAN elements, which is supported by most CAs nowadays. In case this is NOT supported by the CA and you need to add SAN information in the CSR before submitting, perform the following:
- Set Common Name (CN) to one of your hostnames, e.g:
CN =
- Include all the hostnames in SAN (subjectAltName), e.g:
subjectAltName =,,
Step 2 - Backup directories and update your PATH.
- Backup your
directory.- Prepend the OpenSSL binary directory (for example:
<10.1.3 OH>/Apache/open_ssl/bin
) to your PATH so that the OpenSSL binary that came from the Oracle Fusion Middleware patches above will be used. You may also need to enable the execute permissions on theopenssl
binary.export PATH=<10.1.3 OH>/Apache/open_ssl/bin:$PATH
chmod 755 openssl- Set the OPENSSL_CONF environment parameter to the path of the
file created above.export OPENSSL_CONF=$INST_TOP/certs/Apache/new.cnf
Step 3 - Create a 2048 RSA private key and a CSR signed using sha256WithRSAEncryption.
- Make sure
contains a path to your Oracle Fusion Middleware 10.1.3ORACLE_HOME/lib
- Now, run the following command:
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout server.key -sha256 -out new.csr -config new.cnf
- Then submit your certificate request (CSR) to your certificate authority (CA).
Note: If you are migrating to TLS 1.2 from a prior version of SSL or TLS and have a current, valid server certificate, you can request that your CA rekey or reissue your certificate.
For ECC customers only
Create a ECC private key and CSR withecdsa-with-SHA256
- Make sure
contains a path to your Oracle Fusion Middleware 10.1.3ORACLE_HOME/lib
- Now, run the following command:
openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -out server.key
openssl req -new -sha256 -key server.key -out server.csr -config new.cnf
- Then submit your certificate request (CSR) to your certificate authority (CA).
For self-signed non-ECC and ECC certificate, Create aserver.crt
using below commandFor self-signed certificateopenssl req -x509 -sha256 -days 365 -key server.key -in server.csr -out server.crt
are same , So make a copy ofserver.crt
Step 4 - Receive server certificate and certificate chain files from the CA.
From the CA, you will receive the following:
- A CA signed server certificate
- The certificate of the root CA
- The certificates of any required intermediate CAs
- Place the above files in the same directory that contains your server private key:
.- Rename the server certificate file to
, rename the root CA file toca.crt
, and rename any intermediate certificate file tointermediate.crt
If you do not have an intermediate certificate, run the following command to create an emptyintermediate.crt
file:echo -n > intermediate.crt
Note: Use the specified names for the files to ensure that the configuration directives used later in this document will reference the correct files.- Verify that your
directory contains the following files:
- Create a certificate file for OPMN containing the server certificate and any intermediate certificate by executing the following:
cat server.crt intermediate.crt ca.crt > opmn.crt
Use the Oracle E-Business Suite Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) Context Editor to change the TLS-related parameters as shown in this table:
TLS Related Parameters in the Context FileParameter Non-TLS Value TLS Enabled Value s_url_protocol
http https s_local_url_protocol
http https s_webentryurlprotocol
http https s_active_webport
same as s_webport
same as s_webssl_port
not applicable default is 4443 s_https_listen_parameter
not applicable same as s_webssl_port
URL constructed with http protocol and s_webport URL constructed with https protocol and s_webssl_port s_external_url
URL constructed with http protocol and s_webport URL constructed with https protocol and s_webssl_port
Step 6 - Perform additional configuration.
Copy the original files fromStep 7 - Run AutoConfig.<FND_TOP>/admin/template
, if the custom directory or any of the customized template files do not already exist. Update these custom files as documented below.
Also refer to the instructions in Document 387859.1, Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 to make changes to the customized version of the AutoConfig templates.
Custom Template File Modification <FND_TOP>/admin/template/custom/opmn_xml_1013.tmp
(for UNIX)<FND_TOP>\admin\template\custom\opmn_xml_1013_nt.tmp
(for Windows)Replace this line in the template:
<ssl enabled="true" wallet-file="%s_web_ssl_directory%/opmn"/>
With the following:
For UNIX/Linux
For Windows:<ssl enabled="true" openssl-certfile="%s_web_ssl_directory%/Apache/opmn.crt" openssl-keyfile="%s_web_ssl_directory%/Apache/server.key" openssl-password="<PASSWORD>" openssl-lib="%s_weboh_oh%/lib" ssl-versions="TLSv1.0,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2"/>
<ssl enabled="true" openssl-certfile="%s_web_ssl_directory%/Apache/opmn.crt" openssl-keyfile="%s_web_ssl_directory%/Apache/server.key" openssl-password="<PASSWORD>" openssl-lib="%s_weboh_oh%/bin" ssl-versions="TLSv1.0,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2"/>
Note: The openssl-password is the passphrase for the the private key (server.key), which was not set when it was created. However, XML validation requires it to be set. The "<PASSWORD>" reference here is a generic password, such as "dummy" to comply with XML requirements.Note: If you want to configure your environment to TLS 1.2 only, follow the instructions in 6.1 Configuring TLS 1.2 Only for the specific configuration needed for the above lines.<FND_TOP>/admin/template/custom/httpd_conf_1013.tmp
(for UNIX)
(for Windows)The instructions here are to comment out one line and to add a new line to reference
. Separate instructions are listed for UNIX/Linux and Windows.
For UNIX/Linux
Modify the followingFor Windows
To the following:<IfDefine SSL>
LoadModule ossl_module libexec/
<IfDefine SSL>
#LoadModule ossl_module libexec/
LoadModule ssl_module libexec/
Modify the following:
To the following:<IfDefine SSL>
LoadModule ossl_module modules/ApacheModuleOSSL.DLL
<IfDefine SSL>
#LoadModule ossl_module modules/ApacheModuleOSSL.DLL
LoadModule ssl_module modules/
</IfDefine>Note: Even Windows customers need to change it
based on the Apache module naming convention.<FND_TOP>/admin/template/custom/ssl_conf_1013.tmp
(for UNIX)
(for Windows)Step 1 - Comment out the following line in the template:
Step 2 - Add the following 3 lines into the template:#SSLWallet file:%s_web_ssl_directory%/Apache
Step 3 - Replace the following:SSLCertificateFile %s_web_ssl_directory%/Apache/server.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile %s_web_ssl_directory%/Apache/server.key
SSLCertificateChainFile %s_web_ssl_directory%/Apache/intermediate.crt
With the following:SSLCipherSuite HIGH:MEDIUM:!aNULL:+SHA1:+MD5:+HIGH:+MEDIUM
Step 4 - Replace the following:SSLCipherSuite ECDHE:!NULL:!3DES:!RC4:+aRSA:AES128-SHA
With the following:SSLProtocol -all +TLSv1 +SSLv3
SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3
Note: If you want to configure your environment to use TLS 1.2 only, follow the instructions in 6.1 Configuring TLS 1.2 Only for the specific configuration needed for the above lines.
Run AutoConfig using the5.3 Configure Loopback and Outbound
script in the application tier$ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME
This section provides the minimum requirements for loopback and outbound connections to enable TLS use SHA-2 signed PKI certificates.
5.3.1 Perform the General Required Configuration
Step 1 - Perform necessary configuration using AutoConfig.
If you have applied the April 2017 or later JDK patch to your application tier, then you can skip this step.Step 2 - Update the b64InternetCertificate.txt TrustStores.
The following modification will enable the TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 protocols.
Copy the original files mentioned in the table below from<FND_TOP>/admin/template
, if the custom directory or any of the customized template files do not already exist. Update these custom files as documented below.
Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 387859.1, Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 for details about AutoConfig template customization.
Custom Template File Modification <FND_TOP>/admin/template/custom/oc4j_properties_1013.tmp
(for UNIX)
(for Windows)
<FND_TOP>\admin\template\custom\forms_oc4j_properties_1013_nt.tmpAdd: https.protocols=TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2
Note: If you want to configure your environment to use TLS 1.2 only, follow the instructions in 6.1 Configuring TLS 1.2 Only for the specific configuration needed for the above lines.
Add the contents of theStep 3 - Update the cacerts
file tob64InternetCertificate.txt
file located in the10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config
$ cat ca.crt >> <10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME>/sysman/config/b64InternetCertificate.txt
If you purchased your server certificate from a commercial CA, you will most likely not have to perform this step as the root CA certificate will already be present in cacerts. TheStep 4 - Run AutoConfig.keytool
command will let you know if you attempt to add a certificate already present in cacerts.
- Update the JDK cacerts file.
Oracle Web Services requires the Certificate of the Certifying Authority who issued your server certificate (ca.crt from the previous step) to be present in the JDK cacerts file.- Navigate to the
directory.- Follow these steps to ensure these requirements are met:
- Backup the existing cacerts file.
- Copy your
file to this directory and issue the following command to ensure that cacerts has write permissions:$ chmod u+w cacerts
- Add your Apache
to cacerts:$ keytool -importcert -alias ApacheRootCA -file ca.crt -v -keystore cacerts
- When prompted, enter the keystore password (default password is "
").- When you have completed the modifications to the cacerts, reset the permissions:
$ chmod u-w cacerts
Note: Whenever you upgrade your JDK version on the server, any additional certificates you have added to your cacerts file will be lost. You will need to re-import the root certificate or keep a copy of your original cacerts file which you can copy back in.
Run AutoConfig using
script in the application tier$ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME
directory.5.3.2 Database
Oracle products such as Oracle Configurator, Order Management, Order Capture, Quoting, iPayment, iStore, and Pricing are leveraging the database as an HTTP client. The implementation of TLS for the Oracle Database Server (which acts as a client sending requests to the Web server) makes use of the Oracle Wallet Manager for setting up an Oracle wallet. Support for SHA-2 certificates requires a database version of or higher. Reference Document 1315291.1.
Note: This is a mandatory requirement for Oracle iStore storefront pages when the web tier is TLS enabled.To enable the HTTPS client request from the database using UTL_HTTP, you need to establish a truststore in wallet format. You do not need a server certificate for this wallet. You only need to import the root CA certificate for the root CAs that are the trust anchor for the sites you need UTL_HTTP to connect to.
If you are using ECC certificates, follow the steps below:
- After setting your environment for the database tier, navigate to the
directory.- Create a new wallet directory named
.- Navigate to the newly created wallet directory.
- Open the Oracle Wallet Manager as a background process.
owm &
- In the Oracle Wallet Manager Menu, navigate to Wallet > New.
Answer NO to: Your default wallet directory doesn't exist. Do you wish to create it now? The new wallet screen will now prompt you to enter a password for your wallet. Click NO when prompted: A new empty wallet has been created. Do you wish to create a certificate request at this time?- If you need to import
, on the Oracle Wallet Manager menu navigate to Operations > Import Trusted Certificate. Click OK. Double click on ca.crt to import it.- Save the wallet: On the Oracle Wallet Manager Menu, click Wallet. Verify the Auto Login box is checked. Click Save.
To test that the wallet is properly set up and accessible, login to SQLPLUS as the apps user and execute the following:
- After setting your environment for the database tier, navigate to the
directory.- Create a new wallet directory named
.- Create an Auto Login wallet.
orapki wallet create -wallet . -auto_login -pwd <PASSWORD>
- Import Trusted CA cert
into the wallet.orapki wallet add -wallet . -trusted_cert -cert ca.crt -pwd <PASSWORD> -jsafe
- Command to display and verify the content of the wallet.
orapki wallet display -wallet . -jsafe
where:SQL>select utl_http.request('[address to access]', '[proxy address]', 'file:[full path to wallet directory]', null) from dual;
'[address to access]' = the URL for your Oracle E-Business Suite Rapid Install Portal.
'[proxy address]' = the URL of your proxy server, or NULL if not using a proxy server.
'file:[full path to wallet directory]' = the location of your wallet directory (do not specify the actual wallet files).
The final parameter is the wallet password, which is set to null by default.
SQL>select utl_http.request('','http://www.proxyhost.domain:80', 'file:/d1/oracle/db/tech_st/12.1.0/appsutil/wallet', null) from dual;
If the wallet has been properly set up, you will be returned the first 2,000 characters of the HTML page.SQL>select utl_http.request('',null, 'file:/d1/oracle/db/tech_st/12.1.0/appsutil/wallet', null) from dual;
Note: Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) and Oracle Database 12c enables Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) nodes to share a wallet. This eliminates the need to manually copy and synchronize the wallet across all nodes. The wallet can be created on a shared file system, allowing all instances to access the same shared wallet. If you are not using a shared file system to store the wallet, you need to copy the wallet to all nodes. This also applies to advanced database security features for which you may already be using a wallet, such as Transparent Data Encryption.Section 6: Optional Configurations
This section provides the steps required to implement optional configurations. To implement any one of these alternatives, you must have already completed the steps previously described in Section 5: Configuring TLS 1.2 with Backward Compatibility and OpenSSL.
6.1 Configuring TLS 1.2 Only
6.2 Disabling the HTTP Port
6.3 Enabling TLS for OHS to OC4J Connections
6.4 HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
6.1 Configuring TLS 1.2 Only
You may optionally configure Oracle E-Business Suite to use only the highest level of TLS certified with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.
Caution:This section provides the configuration steps required to restrict Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 to use only TLS 1.2.
- If you configure Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 to use TLS 1.2 only, this configuration could result in the inability to connect to other sites or with browsers that do not support TLS 1.2.
- The configuration outlined in this section is not supported on HP PA-RISC.
- You should not configure Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 to use TLS 1.2 only if you intend to use either Mobile Applications V5 or Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery V6, as these only support TLS 1.0.
6.1.1 Prerequisites
To configure Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 to use TLS 1.2 only, you must ensure that you not only meet the requirements listed in the above sections of this document, but that you fulfill the following additional requirements:
- Upgrade Oracle Database
Perform either of the following to enable TLS 1.2 support for Oracle Database
- Upgrade to Oracle Database following the instructions in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1524398.1, Interoperability Notes EBS 12.0 or 12.1 with RDBMS 12cR1.
- Upgrade to Oracle Database following the instructions in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1058763.1, Interoperability Notes EBS 12.0 or 12.1 with RDBMS 11gR2 (
Note: For customers using Oracle Database, it is required to apply a supported version of Database PSU which is OCT PSU 2018 or later (see MOS Document 1147107.1, Database Patch Set Update Overlay Patches Required for Use with PSUs and Oracle E-Business Suite).- Configure Java Runtime Environment (JRE) on the Desktop Client
Ensure that your desktop client has either:
- JRE 8 - TLS 1.2 enabled by default, or
- JRE 6/7 - Starting with the January 2017 JAVA CPU, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 are enabled by default. The specific minimum versions are JRE 1.6.0_141 and JRE 1.7.0_131.
Note: For any JRE 6/7 version older than Jan '17 CPU, TLS 1.2 can be enabled in JRE 6/7 through the Java Control Panel by selecting: Java Control Panel > Advanced tab > Advanced Security Settings section > Use TLS 1.2.- Use a TLS-Supported Browser
Currently supported Windows browsers are as follows, with TLS 1.2 enabled by default:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
- Mozilla Firefox ESR 45.x
- Google Chrome v49
6.1.2 Configuration for Inbound Connections
Step 1 - Update the configuration.
To configure Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 to use TLS 1.2 only for inbound connections, follow the steps detailed in 5.2 Configure Inbound Connections, although replace step 6 with the step below:
Alternate Step 6 - Perform Additional Configuration:
Copy the original files mentioned in the table below from<FND_TOP>/admin/template
, if the custom directory or any of the customized template files do not already exist. Update these custom files as documented below:
Custom Template File Modification <FND_TOP>/admin/template/custom/opmn_xml_1013.tmp
(for UNIX)
(for Windows)For UNIX/Linux
Update thessl enabled
line as follows:
For Windows<ssl enabled="true" openssl-certfile="%s_web_ssl_directory%/Apache/opmn.crt" openssl-keyfile="%s_web_ssl_directory%/Apache/server.key" openssl-password="<PASSWORD>" openssl-lib="%s_weboh_oh%/lib" ssl-versions="TLSv1.2"/>
Update as thessl_enabled
line as follows:
<ssl enabled="true" openssl-certfile="%s_web_ssl_directory%/Apache/opmn.crt" openssl-keyfile="%s_web_ssl_directory%/Apache/server.key" openssl-password="<PASSWORD>" openssl-lib="%s_weboh_oh%/bin" ssl-versions="TLSv1.2"/>
Note: The openssl-password is the passphrase for the the private key (server.key), which was not set when it was created. However, XML validation requires it to be set. The "<PASSWORD>" reference here is a generic password, such as "dummy" to comply with XML requirements.<FND_TOP>/admin/template/custom/httpd_conf_1013.tmp
(for UNIX)
(for Windows)The instructions here are to comment out one line and to add a new line to reference
. Separate instructions are listed for UNIX/Linux and Windows.
For UNIX/Linux
Modify the following:For Windows
To the following:<IfDefine SSL>
LoadModule ossl_module libexec/
<IfDefine SSL>
#LoadModule ossl_module libexec/
LoadModule ssl_module libexec/
Modify the following:
To the following:<IfDefine SSL>
LoadModule ossl_module modules/ApacheModuleOSSL.DLL
<IfDefine SSL>
#LoadModule ossl_module modules/ApacheModuleOSSL.DLL
LoadModule ssl_module modules/
</IfDefine>Note: Even in Windows you must change it
based on the Apache module naming convention.<FND_TOP>/admin/template/custom/ssl_conf_1013.tmp
(for UNIX)
(for Windows)Set the SSLProtocol as follows:
SSLProtocol TLSv1.2
6.1.3 Configuration for Loopback and Outbound Connections
Step 1 - Perform necessary configuration using AutoConfig.
To configure Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 to use TLS 1.2 only for inbound connections, follow the steps detailed in 5.3 Configure Loopback and Outbound Connections, although replace 5.3.1 Step 1 with the following:
Alternate 5.3.1 Perform the General Required Configuration
Step 1 - Perform necessary configuration using AutoConfig:
The following modification will enable the TLS 1.2 protocols.
Note: Before performing the below configuration, ensure that the external site to which your Oracle E-Business Suite products need to connect has support for TLS 1.2. If you are not certain, check with the site owner or use a site that reports on the configuration of internet facing web servers (such as the original files mentioned in the table below from<FND_TOP>/admin/template
, if the custom directory or any of the customized template files do not already exist. Update these custom files as documented below.
Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 387859.1, Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 for details about AutoConfig template customization.
Custom Template File Modification <FND_TOP>/admin/template/custom/oc4j_properties_1013.tmp
(for UNIX)
(for Windows)Add: https.protocols=TLSv1.2
6.2 Disabling the HTTP Port
You may optionally configure Oracle E-Business Suite to disable the HTTP port and use only the HTTPS port. Although this configuration is optional, we strongly recommend that you implement the configuration in this section and disable the HTTP port.
- Apply the minimum patch requirements.Apply the patch requirements as documented in 5.1 Apply Required Updates and Patches.
- Perform the required configuration.
Copy the original template file,<FND_TOP>/admin/template/httpd_conf_1013.tmp
, to the<FND_TOP>/admin/template/custom
directory, if the custom directory or the customized template file does not already exist. Update the custom file by commenting out the following line:Listen %s_http_listen_parameter%
- Run AutoConfig.
Run AutoConfig to synchronize the files.Known Issues
- Bug 20472035 - As a workaround until TXK bug 21969510 is addressed, you can set the profile 'Applications Help Web Base URL' to null at the Site level in your environment. This would be the only workaround until a permanent fix is provided by TXK bug 21969510. You will also need to remember to set this back to null after any AutoConfig run.
6.3 Enabling TLS for OHS to OC4J Connections
In Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12, the Oracle Application Server environment is managed by Oracle Process Monitoring and Notification services, or OPMN, which is a set of processes that include the Oracle HTTP Server (Apache) and OC4J containers (where J2EE processes run). In Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1, we have introduced support for secure communication between these layers. This advanced configuration should only be done on top of the basic TLS configuration.
Apply Patch 26933459 to address the issue with thesystem-jazn-data.xml
file which affects Step 6.3.7 below.
The instructions in this section are for the Oracle Application Server.
OC4J supports TLS communication between Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J using AJPS. This is the secure version of Apache JServ Protocol, which is the protocol that Oracle HTTP Server uses to communicate with OC4J.
Note: The AJPS protocol used between Oracle HTTPS Server and OC4J is not visible to the end user.6.3.1 Set your environment
- Log on to the application tier as the OS user who owns the application tier files.
- Source your application tier environment file (
) located in the APPL_TOP directory.- Navigate to the
and source the<sid_machine>.env
file to set your 10.1.3 Oracle home variables.6.3.2 Navigate to the web SSL directory
- Navigate to the web SSL directory as defined in the context file
$ grep s_web_ssl_directory $CONTEXT_FILE
.Note: Unless you have changed the default settings, this should be the same directory as$INST_TOP/certs
which we will use in subsequent steps to identify this directory. This directory defines the location where private keys and certificate files are stored.- Create a new directory with the name j2ee and then change to this directory.
$ mkdir j2ee
$ cd j2ee- Copy over all necessary files from the
directory to thej2ee
6.3.3 Rearrange the existing PEM files and create a PKCS12 (P12) file
- Use the following commands to rearrange the existing PEM files. Prepend the OpenSSL binary directory (for example:
<10.1.3 OH>/Apache/open_ssl/bin
) to your PATH so that the correct OpenSSL binary will be used.$ cat intermediate.crt ca.crt > chain.pem
$ export OPENSSL_CONF=<10.1.3 OH>/Apache/open_ssl/bin/openssl.cnf
$ openssl pkcs12 -export -out new.p12 -inkey server.key -in server.crt -certfile chain.pem
Enter passphrase for server.key:<PASSWORD>
Enter Export Password:<PASSWORD>
Verifying - Enter Export Password:<PASSWORD>- Next, use the
command to convert the P12 file into a JKS file for use by OC4J.The alias for the only entry in the keystore is "1".$ keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore new.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore <hostname>.jks
Enter destination keystore password: <PASSWORD>
Re-enter new password: <PASSWORD>
Enter source keystore password: <PASSWORD>
Entry for alias 1 successfully imported.
If you used a different certificate authority for your Apache Wallet than you used for the j2ee Java keystore, you will need to import the Apache Wallet's root CA certificate into the keystore so it will be recognized as a trusted certifying authority. If this is not done, you will get handshake errors.
To import the certificate for a certifying authority into your keystore:
- Copy the
file to the$INST_TOP/certs/j2ee
directory.- Use the
import command to addca.crt
to the keystore:Enter "yes" when prompted with: Trust this certificate? [no]: yes$ keytool -import -alias ApacheCA -file ca.crt -v -keystore <hostname>.jks -storepass <PASSWORD>
- Remove all files from the
directory with the exception of the newly created JKS file.6.3.4 Construct the certificate chain
Perform the following to create the certificate chain file:
cd %s_web_ssl_directory%/Apache
cat intermediate.crt ca.crt > chain.crt6.3.5 Modify the configuration file
- Copy the original file,
for UNIX andmod_oc4j_conf_1013_nt.tmp
for Windows, from<FND_TOP>/admin/template
.- Modify the file by commenting out the following line:
and adding the following lines:Oc4jSSLWalletFile %s_websrv_wallet_file%/Apache
Oc4jOpenSSLLibPath %s_weboh_oh%/lib
Oc4jOpenSSLCertFile %s_web_ssl_directory%/Apache/chain.crt
Oc4jOpenSSLCertFile %s_web_ssl_directory%/Apache/server.crt
Oc4jOpenSSLKeyFile %s_web_ssl_directory%/Apache/server.key
Oc4jOpenSSLPassword <PASSWORD>
#Excluding SSLv3.0 and SSLv2.0 is always excluded by OPMN
Oc4jSSLVersions -SSLv3.0
Oc4jSSLCiphers ECDHE:AES128-SHA:AES256-SHA6.3.6 Change TLS-related variables
Use the Oracle E-Business Suite Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) context editor to change the SSL-related variables as shown in the following table:
Advanced TLS-Related Variables in the Context FileVariable Non-TLS Value Advanced TLS Value s_oc4j_secure false true s_ajp_protocol ajp ajps s_forms_tracking_cookies disabled enabled s_oc4j_ssl off on 6.3.7 Run AutoConfig
If you have upgraded to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 by applying the 12.1 patchset to a previous release, you will need to delete the following files so that the new versions will be instantiated when you run AutoConfig. If you have made any customizations to these files (such as custom user credentials), be sure to back up the files before deleting so you can re-add your customizations to the new files.
Note: Delete these files is not necessary if you used Rapid Install for 12.1.
- Source your application tier environment file (
) located in the APPL_TOP directory.- Use the
script in the application tier$ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME
directory to stop all services.- Run AutoConfig using the
script in the application tier$ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME
directory.- Update the newly instantiated files with your previous customizations if required.
6.3.8 Update the keystore password in the system-jazn-data.xml files
Navigate to the$ORA_CONFIG_HOME/10.1.3/j2ee/oacore/config
directory and follow these steps:
- Open the system-jazn-data.xml file in the editor of your choice.
- Find the lines in the <user> section that read:
<display-name>OC4J keystore admin user</display-name>
<description>E-Business OC4J keystore admin user</description>
<credentials>{903}Gfqv+nvfuUrfiQpcW7XcpptrOknyC0nj< credentials>
</user>Note: The guid and credentials will be different on your system.
- Change the
line to read:Where <PASSWORD> is a sample password and you should replace it with the one you chose when you created your keystore. Be sure to include the exclamation point (!). This will encrypt the password the next time the service is started.<user>
<display-name>OC4J keystore admin user</display-name>
<description>E-Business OC4J keystore admin user</description>
</user>- Save the file and exit.
- Navigate to the
directory and repeat steps 1-4.- Navigate to the
directory and repeat steps 1-4.Note: If you need to make other modifications to$ORA_CONFIG_HOME/10.1.3/j2ee/forms/config/system-jazn-data.xml
unrelated to the purpose of this document, you are required to repeat the above modification. Failure to do so may result in errors when launching Forms.6.3.9 Restart the application tier services
script to restart the application tier services.
Advanced TLS configuration for the Oracle Application Server is now complete. If there are any issues logging into Oracle E-Business Suite or launching Forms, these should be resolved before proceeding.
6.4 HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
You may optionally configure Oracle E-Business Suite to enable HTTP Strict Transport Security which instructs web browsers to only use secure connections for future requests when communicating with a web site.
This feature should be configured at the TLS termination point (for example: Oracle HTTP Server (OHS), Load-balancer). The max_age parameter allows you to specify a time period (in seconds) that browsers will communicate using only HTTPS. When testing HSTS, start the configuration using short time periods, for example, 15 minutes. When deploying to production a long value should be used, recommended values are in the range 6 to 12 months.
Once the HSTS header is configured and the browser has visited the HTTPS port, you won’t be able to access that server using HTTP. Browsers will rewrite the URL to HTTPS if the user attempts to connect via HTTP, but the rewrite will not change the port number. The rewriting will only work if the URL does NOT contain a port number.
- Configuration
Custom Template File Modification <FND_TOP>/admin/template/custom/ssl_conf_1013.tmp
(for UNIX)
(for Windows)Under the section <VirtualHost _default_:%s_webssl_port%>
Add below parameter
Header set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000"
<VirtualHost _default_:%s_webssl_port%>
Header set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000"- Run AutoConfig to synchronize the files.
- Use the
script to restart the application tier services.Section 7: Configuring Optional Integrations
The following sub-sections provide required steps for optional integrations.
7.1 Oracle Discoverer
7.2 Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery7.3 Service Invocation Framework - SOA
7.4 Separate Certificates for Inbound and Outbound Communication
7.1 Oracle Discoverer
Discoverer users who enable TLS for Oracle E-Business Suite as per Section 5 must also enable TLS in the Client Java (JRE) which is used by Discoverer Plus.
Refer to the following documents for instructions and more information:
- My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2542707.1, Discoverer 11g: Use of TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 with Discoverer Plus in SSL enabled Fusion Middleware
- My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1074326.1, Using Discoverer 11.1.1 with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
- My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1359491.1, How to Configure SSL For Discoverer 11g
- Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer
7.2 Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery
The Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery Release 12.1 V6 Studio Component only supports TLS 1.0 and does not support TLS 1.2.
Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery users who enable TLS for Oracle E-Business Suite (as documented in Section 5: Configuring TLS 1.2 with Backward Compatibility and OpenSSL) must also enable TLS for Oracle Endeca. Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2075354.1, DMZ and SSL Configuration Guide for Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.1 V6.
7.3 Service Invocation Framework - SOA
Required patching and configuration:
- Apply patch 25034687 R12.OWF.B using adpatch.
- Apply patch 22612527 to the home.
- Update the 32-bit JDK 7 under $OA_JRE_TOP with the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) updates. (If you have a JAN-2016 Java version that already includes JCE, you can skip this step.)
- Using Oracle Applications Manager, update the following context variables:
= -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2 or -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2. The choice of setting here will depend on the protocol set in Section 5.3, Step 1 or Section 6.1.3.s_proxyhost
= fully qualified host.domain names_proxyport
= port values_proxybypassdomain
= domain name (Example
= wildcard domain name (Example *
= $OA_JRE_TOP/lib/security/cacertss_ssl_truststoretype
= JKSs_ssl_trustmanageralgorithm
= SunX509 (For IBM AIX, set the value to "IbmX509" instead.)- Run AutoConfig using the
script in the application tier $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME directory.- Use the
script in the $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME directory to stop and restart all services.7.4 Separate Certificates for Inbound and Outbound Communication
In the case where you do not wish to use the external CA certificate for outbound connections, you can opt to use separate certificates for inbound and outbound communication. Use external CA certificates for inbound (and loopback) connections to the externally visible web entry point and use private CA certificates for the internal communications. Examples of this type of communication are:
Proxy -> OHS
Applications tier -> DB
In this scenario the external CA certificate needs to be configured on the web entry point and all https clients (external and EBS loopback) must trust the rootCA certificate from that external CA. One would only need certificates for the outbound connections if the remote server requires a client certificate (i.e. Mutual Authentication). This could happen for some XML Gateway use cases.
In order to configure the internal entry points with the certificates from a private CA, all the internal https clients (App tier Java and DB) must be configured to trust the rootCA certificate from that private CA.
Certificate UsageCommunication Connection Type Certificate Type Instruction EBS to OHS or EBS to Proxy Inbound or loopback For inbound or loopback, external CA certificates are used. For inbound or loopback, follow the general TLS implementation documented in this note. Outbound For outbound, a separate certificate can be used, issued by a public CA, or in-house/self-signed certificates can be used. For outbound, the rootCA of the separate certificate must be added to the truststore when acting as a client. For the client authentication, you only need the certificate for the outbound connection. Proxy to OHS
Apptier to DB
WLS admin port to WLS
OPMN to OHSProxy to OHS, Appstier to DB, and OHS to WLS
WLS to DBIn-house or self-signed certificates can be used. Proxy to OHS is covered in the end-to-end TLS steps in this note. Appstier to DB and OHS to WLS are also covered in this note. Be certain to add the rootCA to the truststore wherever the note mentions to update the truststore.
WLS to DB only supports non-PKI encryption so far.Section 8: Renew Revoked or Expired Certificates
If you need to update or renew your certificate, perform the following steps:
- Confirm that you previously applied the required updates and patches listed in 5.1 Apply Required Updates and Patches to enable TLS.
- Perform the following steps to renew or update your certificate:
- From Section 5.2.1, perform:
- Step 3 - Backup directories and update your PATH
- Step 4 - Create a 2048 RSA private key and a CSR signed using sha256WithRSAEncryption
- Step 5 - Receive server certificate and certificate chain files from the CA
- Bounce the application tier services.
Section 9: Alternate TLS Termination Point
This section covers alternative configurations for TLS.
Alternate TLS Termination Point other than OHS
For customers who want to use a reverse proxy or load balancer as the only TLS termination point to off-load or handle the encryption/decryption of TLS inbound HTTP traffic, perform the following:
End-to-End TLS
- For the EBS configuration, follow the steps below instead of the steps described in the sections above in this note.
- For the configuration of a reverse proxy or a load balancer, follow the instruction from the vendor of your choice. If you choose to use HAProxy, follow Document 2012639.1 Using HAProxy as a TLS Termination Point for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3. If you choose to use Oracle Traffic Director, follow Document 2130592.1 Oracle Traffic Director 12c Integration with Oracle E-Business Suite Releases 12.1 and 12.2.
In this case, the TLS configuration for the inbound HTTP connections consists of TLS configured at the Oracle E-Business Suite/OHS level, in addition to use of a reverse proxy or load balancer. Use these steps once you have completed all steps in this note, including the steps for 'Alternate TLS Termination Point other than OHS' outlined below. The only difference being the changes as indicated in this section.
- Follow all the steps in this note.
- For the configuration of a reverse proxy or a load balancer, follow the instruction from the vendor of your choice. If you choose to use HAProxy, follow Document 2012639.1 Using HAProxy as a TLS Termination Point for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3. If you choose to use Oracle Traffic Director, follow Document 2130592.1 Oracle Traffic Director 12c Integration with Oracle E-Business Suite Releases 12.1 and 12.2.
Alternate TLS Termination Point other than OHS
Use the Oracle E-Business Suite Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) Context Editor to change the TLS-related parameters as shown in this table:
The value of the
Changes When Using a TLS Termination Point Other than OHS
(such as a load balancer or reverse proxy)Parameter Non-TLS Value TLS Value s_url_protocol
http http s_local_url_protocol
http http s_webentryurlprotocol
http https s_active_webport
same as s_webport value of the TLS load balancer or reverse proxy external interfacing port s_webentryhost
same as s_webhost TLS Accelerator hostname s_webentrydomain
same as s_domainname TLS Accelerator domain name s_enable_sslterminator
# remove the '#' to use ssl_terminator.conf
in SSL terminated environmentss_login_page
URL constructed with http protocol and s_webport URL constructed with https protocol, s_webentryhost, s_webentrydomain, s_active_webport s_external_url
URL constructed with http protocol and s_webport URL constructed with https protocol, s_webentryhost, s_webentrydomain, s_active_webport s_webport
is based on the default port prior to any TLS configuration, and remains unchanged when switching to TLS.
Run AutoConfig using
script in the application tier$ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME
script in the$ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME
directory to stop and restart all services.
Verify thathttps
connectivity is working properly.
End-to-End TLS
In the event that you wish to make use of TLS on the Oracle E-Business Suite OHS side, in addition to TLS termination point configuration, you will want to be aware of the following settings:
Use the Oracle E-Business Suite Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) Context Editor to change the TLS-related parameters as shown in this table:
Run AutoConfig using the
Changes When Using End-to-End TLSParameter TLS Value s_url_protocol
https s_local_url_protocol
https s_webentryurlprotocol
https s_webssl_port
TLS port of EBS s_https_listen_parameter
TLS port of EBS s_active_webport
TLS termination point external port s_webentryhost
TLS termination point hostname s_webentrydomain
TLS termination point domain name s_enable_sslterminator
Remove the '#' to use ssl_terminator.conf
URL constructed with https protocol, s_webentryhost, s_webentrydomain, s_active_webport s_external_url
URL constructed with https protocol, s_webentryhost, s_webentrydomain, s_active_webport
script in the application tier$ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME
script in the$ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME
directory to stop and restart all services.
Verify thathttps
connectivity is working properly.
We advise that both sides of the TLS configuration be tested independently. For example, test to make sure your EBS instance works with the TLS termination point first, revert the change, and then test that TLS terminated locally at the EBS/OHS level works. Once it is confirmed that both configurations work for TLS, you can commit to the end-to-end TLS configuration by re-introducing the TLS termination point.
An example of the protocol flow in this scenario:
client https request > TLS Off-loader (https:443) > EBS TLS (https:4443)
There are two distinct TLS certificate chains in play, therefore the TLS handshake and negotiation must complete in order for the communication to be successful. Any break in this flow will result in TLS protocol errors. In this example, the TLS termination point is operating on the general default port of 443, while EBS is configured to operate on port 4443.
Appendix A: Disabling TLS
There may be a need to temporarily disable TLS for testing or for troubleshooting purposes. In such cases, use the following procedure to accomplish this, while at the same time not undermining the TLS configuration up to this point and allowing TLS to be enabled again.
- Revert back the configuration changes made in the following places:
- 5.2.1 Configure your environment
Step 5 - Update the Context File
Step 6 - Perform Additional Configuration - 5.3.1 Perform the General Required Configuration
Step 1 - Perform Necessary Configuration Using AutoConfig - 6.2 Disabling the HTTP Port (optional)
Step 2 - Perform the required configuration - 6.3 Enabling TLS for OHS to OC4J Connections (optional)
Step 6.3.5 Modify the configuration file
Step 6.3.6 Change TLS-related variables
- 5.2.1 Configure your environment
- Run AutoConfig.
- Use the
script in the$ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME
directory to stop and restart all services.
Appendix B: HP PA-RISC
Because of the unavailability of JDK 7 on this platform, only 5.1 Apply Required Updates and Patches and 5.2 Configure Inbound Connections applies to HP PA-RISC customers.
Note that all requirements in 5.1 Apply Required Updates and Patches (with the exception of JDK 7) are required for HP PA-RISC customers.
Appendix C: Known Issues
Product | Component | Bug | Comments |
Oracle iStore | Orders | Bug 22922211 | This issue affects Windows customers only, after enabling TLS, users will face error and won't be able to place order from iStore using credit card. |
When using SAN certificate on a server of which hostname is not the same as CN, the following warning message might be seen in Apache log file, which can be safely ignored:[warn] Init: RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) '' does NOT match server name!? | |||
If you have applied a patch which provides a newer version of one of the templates that was modified in the custom folder, you may receive the following error: "Version Conflicts among development maintained and customized templates encountered; aborting AutoConfig run." In this case, copy over the newer template to the custom folder and re-apply the modification following the steps in this document. | |||
Oracle Applications Platform | Triage | Bug 23295862 | Mac Safari users will encounter an Oracle Forms issue if TLS is enabled for an OHS to OC4J connection. |
Oracle Workflow | JMAILER | Bug 23755698 | When Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3 is configured for TLS 1.2 only and the Workflow Mailer processes email notifications, the following errors may be displayed in the ssl_engine_log file:[07/Jul/2016 08:54:55 21885] [error] SSL handshake failed (server, client <IP>) (OpenSSL library error |
Oracle Workflow | Notifications | Bug 25838956 | For TLS 1.2 Only configuration, an email notification with OA FWK content is sent to a user with an HTML Mail notification preference, users will see a few small boxes in the user interface. Originally reported in bug 23605402 for EBS 12.2. Requires minimum versions of JRE 1.6.0_141 or JRE 1.7.0_131 in order to address this issue. |
Oracle OHS | OPMN/OC4J | Bug 27582115 | AIX client will face an issue i.e.OPMN fails connecting to OC4J, if upgraded to latest JDK (example 1.7.0 SR10 FP10(Oracle jdk7u151-b14)) or higher) with the environment configured with strict TLSv1.2 and TLS enabled for OHS to OC4J connection. Workaround : Rollback to a previous version of JDK , Example : 1.7.0 SR9 FP30 (Oracle jdk7u95-b13) |
Oracle Security Service | Wallet | bug 23277842 | Customers on database and ECC certificates - orapki command does not support use of the "-jsafe" parameter. |
Oracle Payments | Payment System | bug 28975149 | Customers who have enabled TLS with ECC certificates and are on database version will face a known issue when placing orders using credit card from iStore. |
Appendix D: References
Refer to the following sources for more information:
- Document 403537.1, Secure Configuration for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
- Document 2063486.1, FAQ: Oracle E-Business Suite Security
- Document 2143099.1, Enabling SSL or TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
- Document 1937646.1, CVE-2014-3566 - Instructions to Mitigate the SSLv3 Vulnerability ("POODLE Attack") in Oracle E-Business Suite
- Document 2012639.1, Using HAProxy as a TLS Termination Point for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3
- Document 2130592.1, Oracle Traffic Director 12c Integration with Oracle E-Business Suite Releases 12.1 and 12.2
- Document 1524398.1, Interoperability Notes EBS 12.0 or 12.1 with RDBMS 12cR1
- Document 1058763.1, Interoperability Notes EBS 12.0 or 12.1 with RDBMS 11gR2 (
- Document 1147107.1, Database Patch Set Update Overlay Patches Required for Use with PSUs and Oracle E-Business Suite
- Document 2274242.1, TLS Protocol Options Available with Oracle Database (MES Bundle patches)
- Document 2159740.1, Oracle Payment Support For TLS1.2
- Document 2542707.1, Discoverer 11g: Use of TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 with Discoverer Plus in SSL enabled Fusion Middleware
Change Log
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2016-07-26 |
2016-07-25 |
My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 376700.1 by Oracle E-Business Suite Development.
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