In this Document
Purpose |
Questions and Answers |
Default Log Location |
You can also set log levels at runtime with the following URL: http://Demantra_root/Collaborator/virtual_directory /admin/loggerManager.jsp Web Application, Client and Network troubleshooting |
Application out of memory errors |
Server side issues |
Client side issues |
Network |
Data Model - LOG_IT |
Data Loading - LOG_IT |
Ep_Load performance |
Data Loading, Integration |
Integration Performance |
DB deadlock/ internal database error |
WS performance and errors |
Client side issues |
Engine errors |
Engine Processor Error or Performance |
Configure auditing capabilities for BM configuration changes |
Key Oracle Demantra Support Notes/Web Cast Materials |
References |
Oracle Demantra Demand Management - Version 7.3.1 and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
To provide a general guide or matrix of available Demantra logs by topical area and procedure.
Default Log Location
is the Demantra_root/Collaborator/virtual_directory/portal/logs directory.
Review the comments in the Demantra_root/Collaborator/virtual_directory/portal/conf/logconf.lcf file to specify this log file information:
- Name and location
- Maximum size of the log file
- Number to keep
- Log categories and log level
You can also set log levels at runtime with the following URL:
http://Demantra_root/Collaborator/virtual_directory /admin/loggerManager.jsp
Web Application, Client and Network troubleshooting
- Demantra Web application includes 3 components:
- Application Server, web application deployment inside a Web server
- Client Memory, CPU and a fragmented slow hard drive
- Network
For better troubleshooting we need to understand where we have a problem is it on the Server side, Client side, Network or all three
- Verify proper memory availability for both
- Verify excessive memory usage for both
Demantra Web application deployment inside a Web server
- Client
- User side browser and resources; CPU, Memory and available disk space, running Java Plug-in
- Are you connected by a Network (LAN, WAN...)
- For better troubleshooting we need to understand where we have a problem is it on the Server side, Client side, Network or all three
Application out of memory errors
- Application server memory configuration (-Xmx)
- Identify where the problem is by using logs:
- Collaborator log
- server side log
- Plug-in log
- Client side log
- Collaborator log
- Identify where the problem is by using logs:
Server side issues
- Heap dump from the webserver
- Thread dump from the Webserver
- In case of application freeze or slow down
- Application server memory configuration (-Xmx)
- Count of Level members
- Need level member caching?
Client side issues
- User side browser and resources (CPU, Memory) running SUN Java Plug-in
- Heap dump from the Java plug-in
- Thread dump from the Java plug-in
- Plug-in memory configuration (-Xmx)
- Netstat
- Oracle TNS Logging
- See Demantra Engine on Linux or Unix Failure Hanging Error Not Starting Debugging Install and Configuration Checklist, Document 1086704.1
- SQL*Net log
When having installation errors there are a few files that can be analyzed
- Installer log
- Screen shots of the selections in the different Installer panels
- Review db_audit_log table for object changes made by the upgrade DB_Exception_Log table
Data Model - LOG_IT
- When having data model errors there are few files that can be analyzed
- An Export of the Data model
- Review db_audit_log table for object changes made by the upgrade
- LOG_DATA_MODEL table, an automatic LOG_IT log
- See LOG_IT Reference Link Below
Data Loading - LOG_IT
- Ep_Load, Ep_load Errors
- Enable LOG_IT process on relevant Demantra stored procedures as defined in LOG_IT_PARAMS table
- See note Demantra LOG_IT Setup Execution Explanation ORA Errors Detailed Log Production, Document 1408753.1
- DB_Exception_Log
- See LOG_IT Reference Link Below
Ep_Load performance
- Count of data from the staging tables
- Based on the number of rows and the limitations of hardware, are expections realistic
- DB_Params table
- Ep_Load performance related parameters
- Execute the Call_DM_Build_Procedures after changing parallelization parameters in DB_Params
- DB Hardware definition parameters
- Are they set according to recommendations of manufacturer, RDBMS and application?
- System Memory Disk IO and CPU Utilization monitoring
- Either system performance monitor or Linux top events
- AWR /ADDM reports
- See Producing an AWR Report for Demantra Performance Troubleshooting, document 1279115.1
Data Loading, Integration
- Integration Errors:
- Collaborator and Integration log
- Enable sql logging: appserver.sql, appserver.update.sql
- Concurrent request logs
- collaborator.login.user
- Collaborator and Integration log
- apscheck.sql, See Document 246150.1
Integration Performance
- Count of data from the staging tables
- APS_Params
- Integration Interface related parameters
- DB HW definitions
- System memory disk IO and CPU utilization monitoring
- either system performance monitor or Linux top events
- AWR/ADDM reports
- See Producing an AWR Report for Demantra Performance Troubleshooting, document 1279115.1
DB deadlock/ internal database error
- Collaborator.log
- Database \ udump logs
- USER_DUMP_DEST specifies the pathname for a directory where the DB server will write debugging trace files on behalf of a user process
- Enable LOG_IT process on selected Demantra stored procedures as defined in LOG_IT_Params table
WS performance and errors
- Identify where the problem is:
- Client side
- CPU utilization (and for how long)
- Server side issues:
- AWR /ADDM reports, DB side CPU and Memory. Application server CPU and configuration, APS_PARAMS relevant parameters
- Demantra Index Advisor report
- Thread dump (in case of application freeze or slow down)
- System Memory Disk IO and CPU Utilization monitoring
- either system performance monitor or Linux top events
- DB HW definitions
- Number of concurrent users at the time, concurrent user log
- Also see Level Member Caching Purpose Performance Guidance, Document 1627689.1
- Also see Oracle Demantra Worksheets Caching, Details how the Caching Functionality can be Leveraged to Potentially Reduce Performance, Document 1627652.1
- Client side
Client side issues
- Plug-in –Xmx setting
- WS wizard panels screen shots
- Client side log
- If requested, Number of combinations in the WS
Engine errors
- Always provide a full Engine log (manager and engine) with relevant logging option
- DB errors
- As found in the RDBMS Alert Log
- As found in the db_exception_log
- Engine log with Sql logging
- depends on where the DB error is Engine manager or engine2k
- Demantra Engine2k Log File Analysis Engine Performance Optimization, Document 1458866.1
- Troubleshooting Guide for the Demantra Engine Issues, Document 1456714.1
Engine Processor Error or Performance
- Engine log with DebugPro logging’ groups 100/110
- Engine Out of memory errors
- No of Tasks
- Count of Active Combinations (Select Count(1) from MDP_Matrix where prediction_status = 1)
- See Demantra Investigate Sales, Combinations, Levels and Prediction Status Using SQL, Document 1503990.1
- See Troubleshooting Guide for the Demantra Engine Issues, Document 1456714.1
- Engine not running
- On Linux
- Application server log
- On Linux
- Engine performance
- AWR report
- Check whether CPU Hyper threading enabled on Engine servers
- Disable if its enabled
- Engine Blades/Server + DB HW definitions
- DB/Engine Blades Memory Disk IO and CPU Utilization Monitoring
- Either system performance monitor or Linux top events
- For more information check Oracle Support Document 800030.1 "Demantra Engine Troubleshooting” Presentation (April 6th, 2011)
Configure auditing capabilities for BM configuration changes
- This is a customization enhancement introduced by DEV application team in a Technical Brief (“Implementing Demantra Audit log”)
- Configuring an Audit Log in Demantra Using Database Triggers, Document 1629974.1
- Currently captures Inserts/ Updates on Sessions/Computed_fields tables by a trigger based process
- Configuring an Audit Log in Demantra Using Database Triggers, Document 1629974.1
- The mechanism and idea can easily be enhanced for further Metadata audit opportunities
- Difference from BAL diff
- This mechanism captures all the changes, not just how the latest change differs between schemas
- The logs are kept in a separate table (AUDIT_LOG ), so no impact on the out of the box schema
- AUDIT_LOG table includes the following information (columns):
- log_date
- session_id
- os_user
- host_name
- module
- user_id
- object_type
- object_name
- old_value
- new_value
- Message
Key Oracle Demantra Support Notes/Web Cast Materials
- Oracle Demantra Documentation Library, Document 443969.1
- Demantra Development Suggested Performance Advice plus Refernece doc, Document 1157173.1
- Trouble Shooting the Demantra Worksheet Performance 7.3 and Beyond! UPDATED! Document 470852.1
- Demantra Development Suggested Performance Advice Plus Reference Docs, Document 1157173.1
- Rebuild_Schema procedure - One of the Keys to Improved Demantra performance, Document 860576.1
- Step by Step Troubleshooting of the Silent Installer, Document 947322.1
- Additional Configurations needed when Running Demantra on Oracle 11g Databases, Document 1064995.1
- How to Analyze Demantra Forecast Engine Performance (Processing Time) Issues / Demantra Engine is Slow, Document 863025.1
- Improving Demantra Engine Performance of Resetting Previous Forecast For Inactive Combinations, Document 1270690.1
- Step by Step Troubleshooting of the Silent Installer, Document 947322.1
- Additional Configurations needed when Running Demantra on Oracle 11g Databases, Document 1064995.1
- How to check Demantra Performance. Troubleshooting. Database. Maintenance. Parameters. Java. Worksheet. Engine, Document 1356886.1
- Web Cast Materials, Document 800030.1
- Key Logs When Troubleshooting Demantra Issues - From Installation to Operations, Document 741464.1
- Demantra LOG_IT Setup Execution Explanation ORA Errors Detailed Log Production Document 1408753.1
NOTE:741464.1 - Key Logs When Troubleshooting Demantra Issues - From Installation to OperationsNOTE:1408753.1 - Demantra LOG_IT Setup Execution Explanation ORA Errors Detailed Log Production + New SET_LOG_IT_LOGGING Procedure
NOTE:1246024.1 - How to Obtain a Thread Dump (Stack Traces) From a Java Process or Core File of a Java Process on Windows
NOTE:947322.1 - Step by Step Troubleshooting of the Silent Installer (opening up the Business Modeler, Chaining, or Member Management links from the Demantra Collaborator Workbench)
NOTE:1064995.1 - Additional Configurations needed when Running Demantra on Oracle 11g Databases to Avoid ORA-24247: network access denied by access control list (ACL)
NOTE:863025.1 - How to Analyze Demantra Forecast Engine Performance (Processing Time) Issues / Demantra Engine is Slow
NOTE:443969.1 - Oracle Demantra: Documentation, Release Notes, Transfer of Information (TOI), and Training
NOTE:1157173.1 - Demantra Primary Note: Essential Development Suggested Performance Advice Plus Reference Docs
NOTE:800030.1 - Demantra Solutions Advisor Webcast Calendar And Archive
NOTE:470852.1 - Oracle Demantra Worksheet Performance - A Technical Paper
NOTE:860576.1 - Rebuild_Schema procedure - One of the Keys to Improved Demantra performance
NOTE:1270690.1 - Improving Demantra Engine Performance of Resetting Previous Forecast For Inactive Combinations
NOTE:1356886.1 - How to check Demantra Performance DataBase and Worksheet Parameters
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